Graduate Diploma
in English Language Studies (GDipEngl)

A distance learning language diploma program
for International Students leading to a Master's Degree *

This diploma program provides English language study for students whose first language is not English and who intend to continue their advanced university studies or enter career and professional programs.


Entrance Requirements

To be accepted into this program at the graduate level, a student must have completed an undergraduate degree in English or another language and have a good command of written and spoken English.

A student who has recently graduated from an International College or University where some courses were taken in English, will not require additional testing to be accepted into this program and may be placed in the Upper Intermediate or Advanced level after assessment by the university. This placement will be reviewed after one term to ensure that the student is coping satisfactorily with their studies.


Study Requirements

The Graduate Diploma in English Studies consists of four levels: Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced and Upper Advanced. Each level requires fifteen (15) credits to complete - usually three core courses and two electives.

Most courses carry three (3) credits, though occasionally a course may carry six (6). Click here for a description of the core and elective courses at each level.

All courses are taught at a distance, though the student is in regular contact with their advisor and other students through the Internet, Yahoo Voice Messenger and/or email. There is no residency requirement. All that is needed is a relatively new computer and an Internet connection.

To earn the diploma, a student needs to earn the full 60 credits with a minimum grade of B- in core courses and a grade of C or better in elective courses.

Essential English courses in reading, writing, listening and speaking form our core courses. There are electives at each level that may be taken to complete the required number of credits. At the Advanced and Upper Advanced levels, students will be introduced to classical and contemporary literature and other humanities courses to broaden their understanding of English and further prepare them for advanced studies in the language.

Tuition and fees

$100 USD non-refundable application and assessment fee to be submitted with the application for admission.

$325 USD per course - to be submitted when registering for that course. This is less than half the cost of most courses at this level. We are able to maintain this low tuition level because our courses are offered by distance. Students may begin a course at any time. Course length is 13 weeks and students may register for as many courses as they can comfortably handle per term.

Textbooks are not included in the tuition fees unless so indicated in the individual courses. In some cases textbooks may not be a requirement as research may at times be done using other acceptable means.

There are no additional fees.


Upon satisfactory completion of our requirements, students will be awarded our prestigious Graduate Diploma in English Language Studies and automatically registered for the Master of Arts degree program with Glengarry University * . They may choose a specific concentration or different degree.

Applying for Admission

Please download this Application for Admission Form (MS Word format). Complete it and email or mail it back us. The address is shown on the form. If mailing the form, include the following:

1. $100 Application and Assessment Fee

2. Copies of pertinent certificates, diplomas and other documents

3. Your complete Curriculum Vitae (Resume)

4. Two (2) passport-sized photographs

4. A covering letter that includes a statement of your goals. Be sure an email address is included.

We will acknowledge your application, assess your qualifications, and in all likelihood, confirm your admission so that you may start your studies quickly.

To contact us about your application or questions, email us at:


