Dip 113 - Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL)
(3 credits)
Course Rationale and Outline
This second language instruction course was developed to meet the ever-increasing demand for qualified ESL teachers of young children in non-English speaking countries around the world. It combines elements of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and teaching children a second language.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student will have learned many techniques for teaching English to younger ages (4-11)
The student will have have learned how to manage classes of very young students and how to vary activities to maintain a high enthusiasm level.
The student will be able to provide regular information on student learning to school authorities and parents.
Required Text
This course has a required text:
Teaching English to Young Learners
There is no cost to students as the cost of this text is included in the overall tuition.
by Dr. Robert Taylor
Online course from Sunbridge
This course has four assignments in questionnaire format. These are based on material in the above textbook. The fourth assignment includes developing a one-week lesson plan for teaching younger ages.
Click here for a complete outline of TEYL Certificate Course.
Certificate Course
This is a certificate course. Diploma students will also earn a TEYL Certificate upon successful completion of this course.